The LDPlayer tool allows you to easily, quickly and smoothly run Android video games on PC. This installer downloads its own emulator together with Scary Teacher 3D, adapting the controls to keyboard and mouse so you can play it on Windows. No special knowledge is required since the tool automatically installs everything you need to play.
In Scary Teacher 3D, you will meet two young protagonists who need to escape from a house that hides some terrifying secrets. As you make your way through each of the rooms of this mansion, you will try to gather all the evidence and other items you can to escape from a fearsome teacher.
As in the Android version of the game, Scary Teacher 3D offers really intuitive controls. Here, in addition, you have keys adapted to PC that you can press by simply using the mouse. At the same time, you can use the arrow keys to move in any direction and guide the steps of the protagonists.
Download Scary Teacher 3D and enjoy this first-person horror game, now on Windows. You will have to explore each setting carefully as you cautiously enter each room of the house. Only by doing this will you be able to find the objects that you need to escape from a teacher who continues to unveil her perverse plans.
The Evil Human Game